Saturday, December 14, 2013

Another Rainy Day

It's so cold and dreary outside today. There's a light, constant drizzle and chilly breeze that's just miserable enough to keep me inside all day. Harper has been begging me to let her go play in the back yard, but the grass is far too wet and muddy. Days like this make me feel so lazy and tired. Even though I have a long list of things to do today, all I want to do is wrap up in a blanket and hibernate. Hurry back, sunshine!!

What do you like to do on cold, rainy days?


  1. My fur babies name is Harper as well! Rainy days are so boring to me! :)

    1. Aww.. it's a good name!! I definitely ended up taking a nap yesterday. Haha

  2. hi Amy, thanks for stopping in on me and leaving such a sweet comment. we've gone from snowy goodness to rainy slush in a matter of a few days so i empathize with your soaked feelings about the weather. and omg, Harper is seriously 150 pounds of awesome!!! what an amazing snapshot of her regal-ness. fingers crossed for bright skies soon!! ♥

  3. OH MY GOSH! I love your dog! A great Dane right??

  4. I know what you mean about weather affecting your mood. Sunny days are always my most productive :)

  5. your dog is beautiful! and ah rainy days, i like to stay inside all warm and cozy with a mug of coffee, for realz. our blog is adorable, i am so happy i stumbled across it. Anddd I am your newest follower! hey-o! hope you can swing by mine sometime!

    xo, Kelsey Belle | Happie Reading Blog

    1. Thank you, you're so sweet! And thanks so much for being my latest follower! I gave your blog a follow too :) Hooray for new blogging friendships!

  6. Your photography is just lovely! I definitely get what you mean about just wanting to stay inside and be lazy. Hope you're staying warm :)


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