Hi there! My name is Erica and I blog over at Being Erica. I'm so honoured to be guest
posting here on ART of the HEART today, because I'm a huge fan of Amy's style and
of course, her blog - so being asked to handle the reins while she moves house was a real
treat for me! In keeping with her beauty style, I thought I'd share this review of my new
favourite lippy. Apologies for the UK wording... I don't know if I translate to American just
yet! I hope you enjoy, and maybe I'll see you soon... I was hanging out in Superdrug with
Carmen on payday, when I stumbled across the 'bogoho' (buy one get one half off) deal
on the Rimmel concession. I'm about four hundred years too late to the party with
the apolocolips range, but I love the two I already have (Nova and Celestial) so I grabbed
at the last 'apololiptic' in the display, knowing it would be perfect with the dress I was
wearing to a wedding the next day. Deciding what to get half price was the hard
part; another apocolips shade, or something else?..

Something else; enter Lasting Finish by Kate Moss. I already own shade 20 which I freaken
love, but is reaaaaheeeaally bright and not very trans-seasonal, so I grabbed another. I uhm'ed
and aah'ed over the various shades, and settled on number five. It's pink, but not too bright that
it won't suit a more muted make up palette come autumn.
I've worn this a number of times since picking it up a few weeks ago, but you'd never
know it; the bullet has kept it's shape despite the number of uses it's endured, and
still glides on with ease. The colour is rich and creamy, and definitely has staying
power, and the best bit? It freaken smells like cherries!
Ooh what a lovely color!!